
2018年7月10日—Busywaiting(Spinlock)技巧.透過使用迴圈相關敘述達到讓Process暫時等待該共享變數。Cons.在Spinlock等待中的Porcess會與 ...,Incomputerscienceandsoftwareengineering,busy-waiting,busy-loopingorspinningisatechniqueinwhichaprocessrepeatedlycheckstoseeifa ...,Previousimplementationofsleepusesbusywait.Therefore,myobjectiveistogetridofbusywaitingasitwasteCPUcycles,whichisinefficient.,2011年10...

Operating System

2018年7月10日 — Busy waiting ( Spinlock ) 技巧. 透過使用迴圈相關敘述達到讓Process 暫時等待該共享變數。 Cons. 在Spinlock 等待中的Porcess 會與 ...

Busy waiting

In computer science and software engineering, busy-waiting, busy-looping or spinning is a technique in which a process repeatedly checks to see if a ...


Previous implementation of sleep uses busy wait. Therefore, my objective is to get rid of busy waiting as it waste CPU cycles, which is inefficient.


2011年10月1日 — Busy loop is loop that never blocks and continuously checks some condition. Small sleep is good enough to avoid 100% cpu usage. The best way to ...

Inconsistent busy waiting time in c

2022年10月20日 — Basically: anytime you make a syscall, the kernel may have to wait for I/O, or it may decide that it's time to schedule a different process, or ...

What Does “Busy Waiting” Mean in Operating Systems?

2023年8月17日 — Busy waiting, also known as spinning, or busy looping is a process synchronization technique in which a process/task waits and constantly checks ...

Busy Waiting in OS

2023年12月12日 — Busy waiting is defined as the process where the process or task continuously the processor and waits for the condition to be satisfied. Whereas ...


2012年3月9日 — 而所謂的「忙碌迴圈(busy loop)」就是一種在迴圈裡只包括執行純粹CPU指令的動作,不僅不呼叫任何會造成等待的系統呼叫(system call)也不會等候任何 ...

How does busy waiting work in C using multithreading?

2021年9月23日 — Generally with multi-threading you don't do busy waits. They don't work at all well on a single CPU, and just form a waste as the CPU isn't ...


在軟體工程中,忙碌等待(也稱自旋;英語:Busy waiting、busy-looping、spinning)是一種以行程反覆檢查一個條件是否為真為根本的技術,條件可能為鍵盤輸入或某個鎖 ...